Leslie Software

Linking to Leslie Software

Add a Link to Leslie Software to your Site

The Banner

Leslie Software

The Code

Use this HTML code (this has the advantage that if the banner changes so does your link):

<a href="http://www.lesliesoftware.com"><img src="http://www.lesliesoftware.com/images/LeslieSoftwareBanner.png" alt="Leslie Software" border="none" width="234" height="60">

Add a Link to Wizard's Familiar to your Site

The Banner

Wizard's Familiar

The Code

Use this HTML code (this has the advantage that if the banner changes so does your link):

<a href="http://www.lesliesoftware.com/products/WizardsFamiliar"><img src="http://www.lesliesoftware.com/images/WizardsFamiliarBanner.png" alt="Wizard's Familiar" border="none" width="234" height="60">